EU project Heoric (completed)

SCAHT was the coordinating organisation for an EU funded project entitled HEROIC (Health and Environmental Risks: Organisation, Integration and Cross-fertilisation of Scientific Knowledge). HEROIC was a Framework 7 programme (FP7) Coordination Action involving a multinational, multidisciplinary consortium exploring how human and environmental risk assessments can be best exploited for the development and promotion of an integrated decision-making framework. The project ended on 30 September 2014.

Rationale and objectives

This project aimed to contribute to the harmonisation of tools and methods adopted in human and environmental risk assessment, to reduce animal testing and resource use in general and to facilitate better co-operation between risk assessors in both disciplines, in order to improve the quality and acceptance of integrated risk assessment.

HEROIC White paper on the promotion of an integrated risk assessment concept in European regulatory frameworks for chemicals

The White paper is regarded as the major output of the HEROIC Coordination Action. It features policy and technical recommendations on how to better harmonize human health and environmental risk assessments, in order to pave the way forward for the further development and promotion of the concept of integrated risk assesssment (IRA).

Project lead

Prof. Martin Wilks

Swiss Centre for Applied Human Toxicology, University of Basel