
In Vitro Hepatic Metabolism Input Parameters Support Toxicokinetic Simulations for the Formation of Methoxy Propionic Acid From β-Isomer Propylene Glycol Methyl Ether

Werner S, Hegg L, Hopf NB, Borgatta M, Suter-Dick L

Pharmacology Research & Perspectives,  1 Dec 2024

Novel Strategy to Assess the Neurotoxicity of Organic Solvents Such as Glycol Ethers: Protocol for Combining In Vitro and In Silico Methods With Human-Controlled Exposure Experiments

Hopf NB, Suter-Dick L, Huwyler J, Borgatta M, Hegg L, Pamies D, Paschoud H, Puligilla RD, Reale E, Werner S, Zurich MG

JMIR Research Protocols,  18 Jan 2024

Repeated Human Exposure to Semivolatile Organic Compounds by Inhalation: Novel Protocol for a Nonrandomized Study

Reale E, Hopf NB, Breider F, Grandjean D, Pirard C, Charlier C, Koch HM, Berthet A, Suarez G, Borgatta M

JMIR Research Protocols,  10 Oct 2023

Integrating distribution kinetics and toxicodynamics to assess repeat dose neurotoxicity in vitro using human BrainSpheres: a case study on amiodarone

Nunes C, Proença S, Ambrosini G, Pamies D, Thomas A, Kramer NI, Zurich MG

Frontiers in Pharmacology,  6 Sep 2023

Zebrafish Larvae as an in vivo Model for Antimicrobial Activity Tests against Intracellular Salmonella

Hauswirth P, Buck J, Puligilla R, Alter CL, Sieber S, Claudi B, Fanous J, Bumann D, Huwyler J

Frontiers in Bioscience,  25 May 2023

High efficiency preparation of monodisperse plasma membrane derived extracellular vesicles for therapeutic applications

Alter CL, Detampel P, Schefer RB, Lotter C, Hauswirth P, Puligilla RD, Weibel VJ, Schenk SH, Heusermann W, Schürz M, Meisner-Kober N, Palivan C, Einfalt T, Huwyler J

Communications Biology,  3 May 2023

Nephrotoxicity of iopamidol is associated with mitochondrial impairment in human cell and teleost models

Bolten JS , Mancuso RV, Roos NJ, Mayr A, Puligilla RD, Kraus L, Odermatt A, Fricker G, Huwyler J

Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology,  1 May 2023

Zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae as a predictive model to study gentamicin-induced structural alterations of the kidney

Bolten JS, Tanner C, Rodgers G, Schulz G, Levano S, Weitkamp T, Waldner S, Puligilla RD, Bodmer D, Müller B, Huwyler J

PLoS One,  20 Apr 2023

Digoxin Induces Human Astrocyte Reaction In Vitro

Pamies D, Vujić T, Schvartz D, Boccard J, Repond C, Nunes C, Rudaz S, Sanchez JC, González-Ruiz V, Zurich MG

Molecular Neurobiology,  31 Jan 2023

Methotrexate-Induced Liver Injury Is Associated with Oxidative Stress, Impaired Mitochondrial Respiration, and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress In Vitro

Schmidt S, Messner CJ, Gaiser C, Hämmerli C, Suter-Dick L

International Journal of Molecular Sciences,  1 Dec 2022