
Problem formulation for risk assessment of combined exposures to chemicals and other stressors in humans

Solomon KR, Wilks M, Bachman A, Boobis A, Moretto A, Pastoor TP, Phillips R, Embry MR

Critical Reviews in Toxicology,  11 Aug 2016

White paper on the promotion of an integrated risk assessment concept in European regulatory frameworks for chemicals

Wilks MF, Roth N, Aicher L, Faust M, Papadaki P, Marchis A, Calliera M, Ginebreda A, Andres S, Kühne R, Schüürmann G, HEROIC consortium

The Science of the Total Environment,  15 Jul 2015

Neurodevelopmental and neurobehavioural effects of polybrominated and perfluorinated chemicals: A systematic review of the epidemiological literature using a quality assessment scheme

Roth N, Wilks MF

Toxicology Letters,  15 Oct 2014

Environmental contaminants and target organ toxicities - new insights into old problems

Wilks MF, Tsatsakis AM

Toxicology Letters,  15 Oct 2014

Bisphenol A - Why an adverse outcome pathway framework needs to be applied

FitzGerald RE, Wilks MF

Toxicology Letters,  15 Oct 2014

Systems Toxicology: From Basic Research to Risk Assessment

Sturla SJ, Boobis AR, FitzGerald RE, Hoeng J, Kavlock RJ, Schirmer K, Whelan M, Wilks MF, Peitsch MC.

Chemical Research in Toxicology,  17 Mar 2014

Perspectives for integrating human and environmental risk assessment and synergies with socio-economic analysis

Péry AR, Schüürmann G, Ciffroy P, Faust M, Backhaus T, Aicher L, Mombelli E, Tebby C, Cronin MT, Tissot S, Andres S, Brignon JM, Frewer L, Georgiou S, Mattas K, Vergnaud JC, Peijnenburg W, Capri E, Marchis A, Wilks MF

The Science of the Total Environment,  1 Jul 2013

The interplay between environmental and genetic factors in Parkinson's disease susceptibility: The evidence for pesticides

Dardiotis E, Xiromerisiou G, Hadjichristodoulou C, Tsatsakis AM, Wilks MF, Hadjigeorgiou GM

Toxicology,  10 May 2013

Linking pesticide exposure and dementia: What is the evidence?

Zaganas I, Kapetanaki S, Mastorodemos V, Kanavouras K, Colosio C, Wilks MF, Tsatsakis AM

Toxicology,  10 May 2013

Feasibility of the extended one-generation reproductive toxicity study (OECD 443)

Fegert I, Billington R, Botham P, Carney E, FitzGerald RE, Hanley T, Lewis R, Marty MS, Schneider S, Sheets LP, Stahl B, van Ravenzwaay B

Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.),  9 Jun 2012