
17 Dec 2020

Launch of the new specialty section „Regulatory Toxicology“ in Frontiers in Toxicology

Today saw the launch of a new specialty section of the peer-reviewed open-access journal Frontiers in Toxicology, focusing on regulatory toxicology. Led by Specialty Chief Editor Prof Martin Wilks, the new section strives to be ...

4 Dec 2020

EFSA: "Have your say" - draft opinion on non-monotonic dose-response (NMDR), deadline: 4 February 2021

EFSA scientists’ proposal for an approach to evaluate the possible presence of ‘non-monotonic dose-response’ relationships for chemicals is open for comments ...

26 Nov 2020

Presentation on "BrainSpheres: testing neurotoxicity in human cells" by SCAHT researcher David Pamies

At the annual Swiss Animal Protection (STS) conference, SCAHT researcher David Pamies described the human stem cell-derived BrainSpheres system ...

24 Nov 2020

New opportunity at EFSA: Traineeship Call 2020-2021

For young graduates who want to play an active role in protecting 450 million EU citizens from food-related risks. Application deadline is 8 January 2021.

8 Oct 2020

New for regulatory chemical safety! Overview of Concepts and Available Guidance on OECD Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment (IATA)

This overview document is expected to contribute to a common understanding of IATA, by explaining key concepts and providing basic definitions, and to support easier access to existing resources ...

1 Oct 2020

OECD Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment (IATA): 8 new case studies

AOP and read-across approaches for propylparaben, caffeine, chlorobenzenes, p-alkylphenols, branched carboxylic acids, methyl hexanoic acid, deguelin, strobilurins ...

15 Sep 2020

Swiss Health study – pilot phase started

Switzerland is launching the “Swiss Health study – pilot phase” to assess the feasibility of a nationwide human biomonitoring (HBM) project ...

22 Jul 2020

OECD Health Effects Test Guidelines revised

On 26 June 2020, OECD adopted eight updated or corrected Test Guidelines for chemicals safety testing, used by OECD members and countries ...

1 Jul 2020

Bericht des Bundesrats zu Aluminium in Antitranspiranten verabschiedet - SCAHT führte vertiefte Recherche durch

Der Bundesrat ist der Meinung, dass der heutige Gesetzesrahmen für die Verwendung von Aluminium in Antitranspiranten für den Schutz der Gesundheit der Bevölkerung ausreichend ist ...

25 Jun 2020

Coming: Symposium organised by UFT and SCAHT "Bridging the gap between regulation and research in human health effects of pesticides", webinar on 23 September 2020

At this one-day symposium we would like to paint a picture of the status quo on pesticide exposure and hazard assessment by inviting the leading Swiss experts from the research-, regulatory and industry communities ...