2 Okt 2018 - 2 Okt 2018

EU Datathon 2018 – develop an app, Brussels

EU Datathon is a competition intended to highlight the potential of linking EU and national data as well as to promote the reuse of open data. Participants are invited to develop apps using at least one dataset produced by the EU Institutions or Agencies available on the EU Open Data Portal. EFSA Challenge - Fostering data reuse and innovation based on the Comprehensive European Food Consumption and/or the OpenFoodTox database. Webinar on 22 June 2018, 14:00. Deadline for project submission is 15 July 2018.


The Publications Office of the European Union


Residence Palace, International Press Centre Bloc C, SALLE POLAK, Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 155 B, 1040 Bruxelles/Brussels

Link to Event