23 Feb 2021 - 24 Feb 2021

EU-ToxRisk Virtual Open Symposium 2021

Objectives of the meeting:

  • Critical assessment of general and specific learnings of the EU-ToxRisk project and its resulting key deliverable, the Advisory document on NAM-enhanced read-across, including feedback and endorsements from the Regulatory Advisory Board, the OECD IATA Case Studies Project, and international regulatory toxicologists, as well as outlining of remaining challenges (Session 1).
  • Presentation of novel running case studies with new challenging regulatory and scientific questions, such as testing of chemicals with little or no observed adverse effects, with multi-target organ toxicity, which undergo metabolism, or with the need for ab-initio risk assessment (Sessions 2+3).
  • Outlook towards future validation approaches and application of NAMs for risk assessment in new frameworks, projects, and partnerships, including a platform to jump-start new efforts in next-generation risk assessment (Sessions 4+5).

EU-ToxRisk project (H2020)


Virtual meeting room

Link to Event
Further information and registration