18 Dez 2017

FHNW joins the SCAHT network as collaborator

SCAHT is dependent on the support of its partners, the universities of Basel, Geneva and Lausanne, who are represented in the highest decision making body, the SCAHT Foundation Council. As befits a network of research institutions, others may wish to join and for this a process of admission has been established.

The School of Life Sciences of the Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW) already has collaborations with the SCAHT through the Molecular Toxicology group headed by Prof Laura Suter-Dick, and has expressed an interest to join the SCAHT network. The application was reviewed by the SCAHT Management Board and approved by the Foundation Council at its meeting in November, and the School has now been granted collaborator status, initially for a period of two years. At the end of this period, the Council will review the collaboration and take a final decision with regard to a future status as collaborator or partner.