
Integrating distribution kinetics and toxicodynamics to assess repeat dose neurotoxicity in vitro using human BrainSpheres: a case study on amiodarone

Nunes C, Proença S, Ambrosini G, Pamies D, Thomas A, Kramer NI, Zurich MG

Frontiers in Pharmacology,  6 Sep 2023

Protocol for designing INVITES-IN, a tool for assessing the internal validity of in vitro studies

Svendsen C, Whaley P, Vist GE, Husøy, Beronius A, Di Consiglio E, Druwe I, Hartung T, Hatzi VI, Hoffmann S, Hooijmans CR, Machera K, Robinson JF, Roggen E, Rooney AA, Roth N, Spilioti E, Spyropoulou A, Tcheremenskaia O, Testai E, Vinken M, Mathisen GH

Evidence-Based Toxicology,  31 Aug 2023

Characterization of the interferences of systemic azole antifungal drugs with adrenal steroid biosynthesis using H295R cells and enzyme activity assays

Jäger MC, Joos FL, Winter DV, Odermatt A

Current Research in Toxicology,  14 Aug 2023

Assessment of the inhibitory potential of anabolic steroids towards human AKR1D1 by computational methods and in vitro evaluation

Kędzierski J , Allard JA, Odermatt A, Smieško M

Toxicology Letters,  1 Aug 2023

The action of physiological and synthetic steroids on the calcium channel CatSper in human sperm

Wehrli L, Galdadas I, Voirol L, Smiesko M, Cambet Y, Jaquet V, Guerrier S, Gervasio FL, Nef S, Rahban R

Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology,  20 Jul 2023

Evaluating the food safety and risk assessment evidence-base of polyethylene terephthalate oligomers: A systematic evidence map

Schreier VN, Çörek E, Appenzeller-Herzog C, Brüschweiler BJ, Geueke B, Wilks MF, Schilter B, Muncke J, Simat TJ, Smieško M, Roth N, Odermatt A

Environment International,  30 Jun 2023

Extended steroid profiling in H295R cells provides deeper insight into chemical-induced disturbances of steroidogenesis: Exemplified by prochloraz and anabolic steroids

Jäger MC, Patt M, González-Ruiz V, Boccard J, Wey T, Winter DV, Rudaz S, Odermatt A

Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology,  15 Jun 2023

Low-polarity untargeted metabolomic profiling as a tool to gain insight into seminal fluid

Olesti E, Boccard J, Rahban R, Girel S, Moskaleva NE, Zufferey F, Rossier MF, Nef S, Rudaz S, González-Ruiz V

Metabolomics,  5 Jun 2023

Zebrafish Larvae as an in vivo Model for Antimicrobial Activity Tests against Intracellular Salmonella

Hauswirth P, Buck J, Puligilla R, Alter CL, Sieber S, Claudi B, Fanous J, Bumann D, Huwyler J

Frontiers in Bioscience,  25 May 2023

Investigation of several chromatographic approaches for untargeted profiling of central carbon metabolism

Girel S, Guillarme D, Fekete S, Rudaz S, González-Ruiz V

Journal of Chromatography,  24 May 2023